How to apply

There is no application form and no deadline. 

To apply send an email to after reading all the information on this website.

The Trelex Residency aims to be an open and free residency welcoming all artists, whatever their background and level of experience. To prevent abuse of the generous but limited facilities, the residency will not be advertised publicly but aims to make itself known through word of mouth so please let us know how you have heard about the residency. 

Artists are welcome for a minimum of three weeks or up to a maximum of three months. Places are allocated strictly on a first come first served basis, priority will be given to those who can stay the longest and to those who are coming specifically to work with another artist on a project. 

You do not have to be a painter or even a visual artist to apply. Musicians and writers are welcome. Curators, critics and theorists too. You know yourself if you are an artist.

Please note your place is not reserved until you have booked your outward and return tickets to Geneva. The earlier you do this, the cheaper your trip will be and the better we can plan the residency. There are no exceptions made for residents applying for a visa. To confirm your place then you must go ahead and book your flight, with or without having completed your visa applicationPlease see FAQ section for more information on visa applications.

To start the booking process please make sure to include the following details in your initial email: your name; your ideal length of stay; any preferences as to time of year; and how you heard about us. We will then add you to the waiting list and get back to you when a space next becomes available. The waiting list is long but we occasionally have cancellations, so do let us know if you would be interested in coming at short notice too.

Once you are offered a residency, you will be given a week to confirm your travel arrangements. Proof of purchase or a deposit is then used to secure your reservation.

Residency (non)-requirements

You will be asked to bring two sets of images of your work and things that inspire you to form the basis of conversations with other artists and guests of the residency.

At the end of the residency, you will also be requested to contribute a small summary of your impressions for this blog. This will help inform future residents as to what to expect.

Please Note:

Children are welcome on the residency, please see the FAQs for more details. Partners are not welcome unless they are artists themselves and have applied to come at the same time.

If you are artists wishing to work together please note this on your initial email. The residency has up to six participants at a time, five artists living on site and one local artist not sleeping at the residency.

In exceptional circumstances, residencies of less than 3 weeks may be considered, but such residencies are generally disruptive to the life of the studio. Our experience is you will have little time to engage in any meaningful exchanges or really make the most of the creative freedom we offer. 
Artists who come for a short stay rarely have time to engage beyond the scope of their own preconceptions and invariably leave feeling that the stay was too short. However we have made exceptions for people who have serious reasons for a short stay.